Well it`s kind or weird what happend to me with this topic I don`t konw, because I really like it but at the same time I feel kind of scared if I talk so much about that. I think that what scared me more is the factthet this event can be truth and I wouldn`t like been victim of any if these issues, actually I believe in energies and in souls of dead people thatcan not reast in peace.
Actually I have neverhad an exeprience with ghosts or any of that, But what I have experienced some situations with manipulation of energies, and I try do keep inside my house many object to move aways bad vibrations. About a cuple of month we buy a lucky bamboo and we also have quartz in our living room.
Well I think that is good to prevent bad energies especially is you believe in that.
Actually I have neverhad an exeprience with ghosts or any of that, But what I have experienced some situations with manipulation of energies, and I try do keep inside my house many object to move aways bad vibrations. About a cuple of month we buy a lucky bamboo and we also have quartz in our living room.
Well I think that is good to prevent bad energies especially is you believe in that.