Well I have to say that I know that image that Simon put in his blog and that is the front of a new movie that talks about the end of the world.
Yeap! very apocalipthic it talks about mayas culture and about their prediction for december of 2012 that is supose to be the date of an important event or maybe the end of the word, no literately but maybe is a change related with the wether or this natural cathastrophes like gobal warming that will increase for that time.
Well I have two things to say about that:
Te first one is that is a horrible movie so please don´t waste your time watching it, at least yo want to sleep.
And the second one is what I think aout this, I `m sure that 2012 it´s not gona be yhe end of the world, that´s a fact, but I do believe that we will experience the consecuences of the damage that we are made to the eart.
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