Well I didn't understand if we have to talk about someone famous or a close person so I'll choose both. In a fist place I will like to talk about a really interesting person, his name is Salvador Allende Gossens. I know that you already know him only as a politician, but he was a good person too in every sense of his life.What I like the most about him was his personality, he was so consequent with his thoghts that make me admire him so much more.
I thin that nost of the people inserted into de goverment are ther because they have their own interests, and not really worried about the people and the best for geting better thir lifestyle.
And if I have to choose a close person I definitely choose my boyfriend (kind of obvious) because he is a good person and care about me, and also even though we have a few differences, we share so much tastes in common like music. So I dont not wat can happen in the future but now I enjoy him as much as I can =).
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