

I choose this topic because I think that is actually one of the most important aspects to considerate as future English teachers.

There is an interensting example that Andrew Littlejohn describe at the beggining of the article, an talk about the big difference between students of one grade and the highers ones, and their reactions related with the lack of motivation that is possible to realize only looking at their faces.
But he analyze some really important aspects, that might influence this kind of behavior, for example personality, or maybe the onset of adolescence that is definitely a complicated transition.

In the article the author recognize that there is a small number of students with an intrinsic satisfaction from learning English known as "integrative motivation".
In terms of educations persist the problem in which teachers work with an extrinsic reward and punishment. And as a result of this, they do not realize that through this system, weaker student desmotivate easily. If they feel that they can not get a good mark in a certain subject they will probably think too that is not worth it. So whay they do in fron of this situation? They show indifference because for them is better that the rest of the people think that they do not learn because they do not want to and not bacause they are failures.

The motivation-ability spiral begins with earlier attitudes like sitting at the back of the class or choosing a seat where they would not be noticed, pretending illness in a test or similar reactions.

After analyze this important factors, is good for all of us to keep in mind that motivation has a strong relationship with the psychological aspect, So we need to be vey careful about how to give feedback to another person. Because we do not want to be rude or hurting someones feelings.

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